Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 1 Beserta Jawabannya Pilihan Ganda (Part-2) -

Melanjutkan Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 1 Beserta Jawabannya Pilihan Ganda bagian petama (soal nomor 1-15), bagian kedua, berisikan materi tentang kinds of expression dan report text.

Berikut, Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 1 dan jawabannya, dimulai dari soal nomor 16 sampai dengan 30.

Choose the best answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e!

Read the text below!


There are over 3000 species of spiders and they belong to the Arachnid family. Spiders are not insects, but are related to scorpions and other arachnids that have eight legs and no antennae. Most spider have poor eyesight and little sense of hearing and smell. They do, however, have a well developed sense of touch in the hairs and spines that cover their body. They may vary in size from about 1 mm to a giant 200 mm.

Spiders are known for their ability to spin silk. They are able to produce this from glands in the abdomen and the silk comes out through organs called spinnerets. The silk is strong and elastic and is used to trap the spider’s prey. Spiders use their webs in different ways. Some weave a net to throw over their prey, while others attach a sticky blob to the end of a silken thread and whirl it around in a circle to wrap around an insect.

Spiders suck the fluids from their victims rather than eat solid food. Then they crush the hard parts, mixing them with digestive juice to make them into a liquid as well.

Female spiders lay large numbers of tiny eggs and cover them in a silken sac. Some species carry this sac around with them. When first hatched, the young resembled adults and slowly develop to full size. Before mating, some spiders perform courtship dances. After mating, some male spiders are eaten by the female.

16. There are over 3000 species of spiders and they belong to the Arachnid family.
The statement tells the reader about....
a. behaviour of a spider
b. colony of a spider
c. species of a spider
d. friends of a spider
e. habitat of a spider
Jawaban: d

17. The text above is a kind of .... text
a. narrative
b. news report
c. expository
d. recount
e. information report
Jawaban: e

18. From the text above, we can conclude that spiders....
a. are not insects
b. are mammals
c. are marsupials
d. eat leaves
e. have least numbers of species
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan: terdapat pada paragraf pertama, kalimat kedua

19. Some weave net to throw over their prey, while others attach a sticky blob to the end... the italicized wod has the closet maning to....
a. break
b. knit
c. make
d. live
e. inhabit
Jawaban: b

20. They are able to produce this from glands in the abdomen and the silk comes out through organs called spinnerets. The word they, refers to....
a. spinnerets
b. organs
c. glands
d. spiders
e. none of the options correct
Jawaban: d
Pembahasan: kata they mengacu kepada laba-laba

21. What is the best description of the silk produce by spiders?
a. rigid
b. not elastic
c. stretchy
d. made of plastics
e. none of the options are correct
Jawaban: c

22. Which of the following is common spiders’ prey?
a. butterfly and snake
b. butterfly and birds
c. flies and birds
d. ants and tarantula
e. files and ants
Jawaban: e
Pembahasan: pada umumnya laba-laba memangsa serangga

23. Paragraph 4th tells you about spiders...
a. reproduction
b. appearances
c. family
d. behaviour
e. none of the options correct
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan: paragraf keempat teks spider menjelaskan tentang proses reproduksi laba-laba

24. Spider’s food is explained in paragraph....
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV
e. V
Jawaban: c

25. What paragraph should you read to find spiders’ appearances?
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV
e. V
Jawaban: a

26. Which of he expressions below show giving request....
a. Yes sure, go a head
b. No, don’t  do that
c. No, I don’t like it
d. Yes, that’s perfect
e. No, I’m sorry to hear that
Jawaban: a

27. I feel so relief as I have completed the task from my teacher. The statement above is to show....
a. pain
b. happiness
c. release
d. impatient
e. agreement
Jawaban: b

28. Well, you should talk to her before decide it. The statement below is used for....
a. giving advice
b. asking advice
c. showing sadness
d. showing expectation
e. offering something
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan: kalimat pada soal nomor 13 adalah kalimat memberikan nasihat

29. The correct expression to ask for advice is....
a. I think you should eat all the burger
b. Don’t worry, I shouldn’t be late
c. Should I bring the camera tomorrow?
d. Should you have question, please ask
e. In my opinion, be your self
Jawaban: c

30. The correct expression to give a warning is....
a. Don’t go there!
b. Please, give me a warning
c. There is a warning on the board
d. Watch out! It’s a snake
e. Please, help me
Jawaban: d

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